ISO 50001


ISO 50001

I respect the planet; I stop wasting energy resources

People and companies are more conscious and aware than ever before of the growing need to conserve energy in a more grater effort to protect the planet.

Through energy management we can achieve efficient use of energy resources, which will lead to sustainable development. The European Union has set ambitious energy targets. Realizing these goals will be achieved through a series of relevant Directives and Rules that the Member States will have to follow. Greece has already incorporated several of them into its national law.

The ambition, the goals, as well as the institutional framework do exist for the proper management of energy, but a systematic effort is required which will be based on a rational management plan, as well on as a system that proves the results and ensures their duration.

ISO 50001 is an international standard that defines the requirements that companies must meet in order to create an integrated and effective energy management system, achieving a reduction in costs and energy consumption while also contributing to the protection of the planet.

What is ISO 50001?

ISO 50001 is an internationally recognized system for the management of energy. It ensures that organizations and businesses that follow it, and meet the requirements, have processes in place which manage energy properly with significant benefits.

This standard was designed to help improve energy efficiency, maximizing the use of energy sources and resources of businesses and organizations. However, each company sets its own goals. ISO 50001, along with meeting expectations for optimal energy efficiency, also ensures respect for the environment, always in relation to the operations and practices of the business or organization.

The ISO 50001 Energy Management System has a similar structure to the ISO 14001 standard. Businesses and organizations that have already implemented it can consolidate their management system requirements so to ensure a more productive implementation process. They will therefore ascertain the advantages of a management system while reducing energy costs.

Target Audience

ISO 50001 is designed to be implemented by any business or organization in the public or private sector, regardless of its size, activity or geographic location. This standard does not set targets for the improvement of energy efficiency. The objectives are set by the business or organization itself, or by the regulatory authorities. This means that, regardless of its current level of energy performance, the organization can apply ISO 50001 to create a baseline and improve it at its own pace.

What are the benefits of choosing GlobalCert?

Each of our partners is unique and invaluable. Our goal is that you also become an integral part of the GlobalCert professional family, gaining all the benefits of a strong team which consists of experienced and reliable professionals.

The continuous support of our partners at all levels aims to improve and develop your business in order for you to realize your business plans successfully.

GlobalCert will consistently, respectfully and impartially guide your business to obtain an Internationally Recognized ISO 50001 Quality Certificate to:

  • achieve More efficient use of energy
  • achieve Optimization of energy resources
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Reduce energy consumption
  • achieve Continuous improvement of energy management
  • enhance your Image
  • achieve Competitive advantage

ISO 50001 through an effective energy management system, creates environmental awareness and at the same time it promotes respect for the "home" of all of us: the environment.

Obtaining ISO 50001 certification is essential, since it ensures energy efficiency with significant benefits for both the business and the environment. It is also sound proof that your business complies and meets international standards.

It is the right investment with beneficial results only.

ISO Accreditation Systems



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